Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: Easter Peep Bouquet!


Easter Peep Bouquet!

Hey there!  Well, now that St. Patrick's Day is behind us that makes it officially Easter decorating season.  We better not waste any time! :)

My talented friend Julie made this super-duper cute Easter bouquet and I just had to share it!  She was inspired pinspired by Pinterest!

She used Reese's pieces on the bottom, Peeps (obviously) and some faux flowers.  She used a foam flower insert in the bottom so she wouldn't have to use as many Reese's pieces.  She is not a blogger (but probably should be!) so I thought this was way too cute not to make it into the blogland.  I knew you all would love it! :)

Now, need to get crackin' on my own Easter decor.  It will be here before we know it!!

PS:  Remember to sign up for my current giveaway, $60 to Vinyl Crafts, sign up here!!


  1. Such a cute idea. I love it. I need to get my easter decor going too. Hugs, Marty

  2. Seriously creative!

  3. I saw this and pinned it too! Love it!

  4. Oh how beautiful! Love the idea and the colors! So cute!

  5. In about three days the flowers would be falling out at my house because everyone thought they 'discretely' were the only one to take a handful of the Reese's.


  6. I saw this on pinterest the other day and have it on my list of things to do. Yours is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Your blog is a breath of fresh air!! Love it!! :)

  8. Great blog! Just followed and joined the link party! going to have fun looking through all of your archives!


  9. Thanks so much for hosting! Sorry I am late to the party :(

  10. what size is the vase?


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