Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: Spring Front Door Decor


Spring Front Door Decor

Hello!  Can you smell it??  Spring is in the air!  I think it's here to stay! (crossing fingers)

The other day I put together an easy spring bouquet for my front door.  Usually I just stick a forsythia wreath on the door and call it decorated.  This year I wanted to try something different.

If you'll remember a few weeks ago my sponsor Nanci of Willow House gave away one of these cute Willow House Welcome baskets.  One of my sweet readers, Tracy, won the giveaway.  She received the basket and it wouldn't work on her front door because of her screen door, she emailed me and asked if she could send it to me as a gift.  I was like, are you sure??  She was sure so I graciously accepted.  What a sweetheart... my readers (aka: friends) are the best!!

The welcome basket is really cute and I especially like the little chalkboard sign.  I love being able to personalize it for the season.

I wanted to write in my "fanciest" handwriting (whatever that is), but you know what I mean, right?  I found out it is really hard to write "fancy" with a square ended piece of chalk.  I tried to buy a chalk marker but couldn't find one at Hob Lob so was stuck with the old school stuff.  It gives me a whole new appreciation for my grade school teachers and their very neat and fancy cursive handwriting on the blackboards... back in my day we didn't have fancy "smart boards" and dry erase boards, the poor teachers had to use plain old chalk and us kids would have to take the erasers outside and bang them together to "clean" them and about suffocate on all that chalk dust andddd... I had to walk uphill in the snow to school and uphill in the snow to get back home while carrying a 50lb back pack because our backpacks didn't have roller wheels like nowadays....  ;)

I was going to write "Happy Easter" but after I had so much trouble just making this look legible (definitely not fancy) I decided I didn't want to have to re-write something new when Easter is over pretty soon.

I already had some faux forsythia and pussywillow branches on hand, a great spring combo.  I didn't have quite enough so I grabbed some pink flowers (cherry tree blossoms?) that came in a display vase I bought from a furniture store.  They looked really tacky in the vase but I decided to try them because I needed some filler.

 First, I stuffed some paper down in the bottom of the basket to give the branches some height.

Then I just stuck in my branches and roughly arranged them.  The greatest thing about the forsythia, tacky pink flowers and pussywillow branches is that they pretty much arrange themselves.... you can't beat no fail flower arranging.

I'm so happy to have something different and super cute on my front door.  Thanks Tracy and Nanci of Willowhouse!

What are you putting on your front door this season??

Don't forget, I'm looking for some guest posters while I take a blogging vacation, go HERE for more info!

Linking: Southern Hospitality, The Shabby Creek Cottage, Blue Cricket Design, Tatertots & Jello


  1. This is the second door basket I've seen on blogs this week and I really like them. My front doors are already decorated....maybe an interior door? Love the pink and yellow!

  2. This is so sweet! I love that little chalkboard!I would love for you to stop by my blog and link up to my Creative Inspirations party happening now! I would love to have you there!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  3. So pretty! I need to try a door basket in place of a wreath sometime.

  4. Hum ? makes me think..
    I think I have a bicycle basket in my garage :-)
    I think I can use a piece of decop. card-brd for the sign OR a piece of heavy leather ??
    (I didn't want to do the dishes today anyway ))

  5. Very pretty. Love that basket. I'd love for you to link up to my Hippity Hop Easter Project Hop.

  6. Really cute! I hope to post my front door wreath tomorrow - IF I get home tonight! (Long story) We shall see.

  7. So cute! Love the lil' chalkboard...I love all things chalkboard!! Stopping by from Stop by for a visit when you get a chance!

  8. This turned out lovely :) Thanks for sharing... While I know its frowned upon inviting peeps in the comments, I would love for you to link this up to my LLL Thursday party. TGIF!


  9. What a beautiful front door! :) I think your basket of flowers look so pretty, and the little chalk board sign is perfect. Love it!


I L-O-V-E love your comments! :) I read and try to respond to every one! Thanks for taking your precious time to leave me a comment.

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