Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: How I Healed my Sprained Foot Naturally


How I Healed my Sprained Foot Naturally

Hiya friends!

Today it is supposed to get up to 58 degrees!!!!  This is a major heatwave for someone who is living in the longest and coldest winter ever.  That's the good news, the bad news is that Wednesday, which also happens to be my birthday, it is supposed to snow, AGAIN!  Omgoodness, I hope the weather man is so totally wrong on that one.

Anywho, I have sort of a random topic today but it's something I want to share in the hopes that I can help someone.

Last summer my boys and I were heading out to the pool.  I put on my favorite flip-flops and stepped out of my house into the garage, as I came down the step I stepped right on a big old rock from one of the boys "rock collections" which was conveniently placed at the bottom of the step.  I rolled my ankle really bad and darn near fell on my face.  I said some choice words but managed to keep them in my head and let out a few mumbled groans.
How I healed my sprained foot naturally at Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

Oh man, it HURT.

It hurt really bad.

Since we were on the way to the pool and the boys were so excited I toughed it out.  I figured it couldn't be too bad of an injury because I could still walk with some really attractive limping swagger.  Off to the pool we went.

Fast forward to a few months later.  My foot was still pretty darn sore. It hurt all the time but worse when I was standing or walking.  I had started to wear tennis shoes all the time to help support it.  This was a big deal to me in the middle of summer.  Wearing sneakers all the time was a pain.  I absolutely hate wearing socks in the summer, it makes me so hot, I just wanted to wear my beloved flip-flops but they killed my foot. I know it's a first world problem but it sucked nonetheless.

I finally went to the doctor for it, she said nothing was broken, just a muscle strain/sprain, take ibuprofen, wear supportive shoes.  DUH.  I  knew all of this and had been doing it already.  And, I really didn't want to spend the rest of my life eating ibuprofen every day.

Exercising and cute high heels were out of the question, I couldn't put any real pressure on my foot that came from jumping, running, even speed walking was painful.  I hated it because I wanted to run around with my boys but I could only limp around quick for a few minutes at a time.

My foot was so out of whack that it could predict the weather.  I knew when it was going to rain because my foot would start hurting worse hours before the rain started.  (while this was convenient for weather forecasting, it wasn't worth the pain)

I thought I was going to have to live with a messed up foot forever.  I felt like I had an old lady foot on my thirty-something body.  It really stunk.

This winter I started looking for home remedies and came across essential oils.  I found a large community online of folks that use essential oils (EOs) and many of them sell them too.  There was an oil for pretty much any ailment you had.

It sounded like a bunch of bologna.

But, people swore they worked and I was desperate.  I decided to give them a try for my old lady foot problem. There are 2 EO companies that people become distributors for which have very, very expensive oil, it scared me away.  Especially since I didn't know if it would work.

I was intrigued and starting researching these oils like crazy.  There are all kinds of essential oils out there but they vary in quality.  The kind you can buy in most stores are junk.  They are not pure and may only contain a very small percentage of the actual oil but lots of synthetic additives.  This kind won't help you.  The oils must be pure and high quality.

Then I found Spark Naturals. They sell high-quality, 100% pure oils at reasonable prices and have a 100% satisfaction guarantee.  I thought I'd give it a shot.

I bought Amend, which according to Spark Naturals is a blend of "corsican helichrysum, blue chamomile, blue tansy, roman chamomile, carrot seed, and French lavender. This is a great oil to soothe skin inflammation, sore joints, muscles, psoriasis, and eczema."

It is one of their most expensive blends at $24.99 for a 5ml.  Most of their 5 ml. oils are priced around $6-$10 for that size.  I decided it was worth a shot so I ordered.  After it quickly arrived I put a few drops on my foot. To my complete shock it started to feel better immediately.

It was weird.  

I was thinking "am I imagining this because I want it to work?  Is it one of those mind over matter things??  Am I going nuts?"

But I wasn't.  It worked.

The pain would come back so I'd put more Amend essential oil on and it'd be good again for a while.  I started using it on my foot every morning and night and whenever else it felt sore.  Just a few drops rubbed in was all I needed each time.  After about 6 weeks of pretty regular use the pain was gone.


Mind. Blown.

I don't have to wear tennis shoes everyday anymore.  I can wear my beloved flip-flops again!!  (However, flip-flops are terrible for your feet and I am wearing them at my own risk per my doctor.)  I can also wear heels! (also terrible for your feet)  If I wear heels too long it will ache and I will put some oil on when I get home.  But other than that, my pain is gone and I don't have to use the oil anymore.

I was really amazed by the results and am have started to expand my essential oils.  After Amend worked so well I bought this little 4 pack of very versatile oils.  A deal at $19.99.

I have successfully used their peppermint oil to make headaches go away by rubbing it into my temples and neck and also inhaling the scent of it.  I have also used peppermint oil successfully for nausea and motion sickness. I just take several deep sniffs from the bottle and it helps me.  I've used Lavender (diluted with fractionated coconut oil) rubbed in my boys feet to help them sleep well.  I also rub it directly on mosquito bites to keep them from itching. I drop lemon in several homemade cleansers as it has antimicrobial properties and a great fresh scent.  I do the same with melaleuca.  These oils have so many more uses that this is just the tip of the iceberg.

I just ordered some of Spark Naturals LLP Allergy blend to see if it will help me with my crazy spring time allergies.  I will let you know how it works!

If you are looking for a healthier and more natural way to heal your body give Spark Natural essential oils a try.  I'm so glad I did.  I would love to hear your essential oil success stores or what you use them for.

When you place an order at Spark Naturals use "chic" at check out to receive a 10% discount on your order. This discount does not expire.

Although this post contains affiliate links, all opinions are 100% honest and mine!

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  1. Wow I am so glad that Amend worked for your ankle. I have heard of essential oils but have never tried them. Thanks for the handy info,

  2. Awesome that you found something that actually works for you. I have also discovered oil of oregano for neck & back pain as well as using for digestive problems. I love it. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I definitely believe essential oils can help. I rub lavender on my kids feet to calm them before bed sometimes. You have me thinking though about my own feet - I wonder if the oils would work on a bunion. I have trouble wearing cute shoes and maybe that would help! Thanks!


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