Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: Flaunt it Friday 369


Flaunt it Friday 369

Hello friends!

I'm sorry my party had a major malfunction last week and didn't even post.  I think I got the bugs out of the system so hopefully we're good for a while.

Has pumpkin everything season hit you yet??  I usually start dragging out my pumpkins on September first but this year I am behind as I haven't even started!  This weekend it's happening!!

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  1. Missed you last week Kate, hope the bugs stay far away from your computer. Thank you for your 369th Flaunt It Friday, always appreciated.

  2. I am totally ready for the season of pumpkin everything and being able to throw the windows open regularly for awhile. Thanks for hosting!

  3. Thank you so much for hosting! I'm glad you got your party back up and working this week :)

  4. Thank you for hosting us and for this nice party.

  5. Thanks for hosting. So happy to join this awesome party! -Journa, from the team at


I L-O-V-E love your comments! :) I read and try to respond to every one! Thanks for taking your precious time to leave me a comment.

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