Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: Flaunt it Friday #18

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Flaunt it Friday #18

Wow... what an awesome turnout last week and what a creative group of bloggy friends!  You guys never cease to amaze and inspire me!!  As always, thanks for joining me... let's see what's happenin' this week?!

PS:  My hubby read my post today about flowers and brought me home some "real" flowers... isn't he the sweetest!?  Thanks babe! xoxo :)   

I know, I'm so cheezy... sorry ;)


  1. I think I'm your 400th follower!!! S-weet!

  2. Another cool party! Thanks for consistently hosting a fun get together each week. I love to visit and the mix of "guests" is always interesting. BTW, LOVE THE ORCHID!! OMG, I want one now.

  3. Thank you for hosting!! You have a wonderful blog. New follower. yay

  4. I want to join in on the party!! Maybe sometime soon. I'm your newest follower! You have a great blog.


I L-O-V-E love your comments! :) I read and try to respond to every one! Thanks for taking your precious time to leave me a comment.

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