Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: When Good Decorators Go Bad...

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When Good Decorators Go Bad...

If you have read my blog before you probably know that I'm a big fan of Ballard Designs. I love to browse their catalogs for inspiration but rarely buy things because of their hefty prices. One of my best bargains ever was of a Ballard's bar stool look-alike that came from K-Mart... you can read all about that suh-weeet find here. :)

About a week ago my highly anticipated Ballard's catalog arrived... it always brings a big smile to my face when I see it in the mailbox. It's like when you're a kid at Christmas and your mom gets that big fat JC Penney's catalog that is so thick and heavy you can barely lift it- then you go through the millions of pages of toys circling every picture of the toys you want Santa to bring you. That's how getting my Ballard's catalog makes me feel, except I wish there was really a Santa to bring me everything I circled. Sigh...

Anywho, this catalog was featuring some design work by Suzanne Kasler.  I've seen her stuff in Ballards before, always very soft and romantic with muted tones... usually very pretty stuff .  I excitedly opened my catalog ready to be inspired and found this...

 Photo courtesy of Ballard Designs

Ok, very muted tones of creams with natural wood, nice..  pretty cream vase collection... wait a minute. 

What are those things all over the wall?? 

Wait, are those what I think they are?!?  Antlers spray painted white?!?

Insert huge GASP here... They are antlers spray painted white!! 

Seriously Ballards?!?

Photo courtesy of Ballard Designs

Wow... these are just not pretty.

Know what the kicker is??  They are charging $249 for a set of 5. 

Excuse me... I just fell off my chair.

I so DO NOT get this look...  it is such a weird concept. 

They are made of plaster so no animals were harmed but that's not even my biggest problem, as a decorator I find them to be unattractive and just plain weird.  I don't have any other words to describe it... maybe ugly. 

The description on-line for these lovelys states that Suzanne Kasler is known for "her unique eye and eclectic accessories" like these antlers.  Like maybe Ballards knew these were pretty weird so used words like "unique" and "eclectic" like maybe they weren't totally sold on them either??

I think Ballards took a risk with this look and failed... big fat F. 

Don't worry though Ballards, I still love you. xoxo

What do you guys think??  Am I being overly critical... should I give these ugly unique antlers a chance??  


  1. A little weird but in the picture above I think I like it. A few too many, fake dead, dead animal skulls but interesting none the less.

  2. I agree with you. Even if they are fake... I have yet to embrace the faux antler/deer head/taxidermy anything trend. I don't care for the real thing, so why would I want fake animal parts on my wall?

  3. i agree, dont like this at all, a swing and a miss for Ballard, which is a very rare thing.

  4. I don't like it either. AND I think it's actually chasing a trend, which is totally un-Ballard. David Bromstad had the first "faux antler" decor that I saw, and I've seen it several times since then.

  5. How funny to find your post!! I too love Ballards and just got their new catalog! I have Suzanne's latest book- love her designs. I was bewildered and kind of yucked out when I saw the page. The antlers are ridiculous in my opinion- but then again, I do not like the latest trend of placing animal parts (antlers) in vases with rocks, or on a chandelier or as a decoration anywhere so for me-no thanks, not a fan...

  6. hideous. and can you imagine keeping cobwebs off of them!?

  7. I really don't care for them at all. It kind of freaks me out. Hugs, Marty

  8. i agree completely with you--they look weird and creepy all over that wall!

  9. Yup, pretty ugly. Kinda gives me the shivers down my back...

  10. I've never liked the animal head thing on the walls. White or any color.

  11. I'm with you on the antlers. I, too, look forward to the Ballard catalog...even though the latest one had a pink cover and didn't look good on my living room coffee table :) Regardless, I love the inspiration, even if I only shop the Estate Sale. Your post reminded me of one I did about PB a couple yrs ago. I'll send you the link. We should get together more often to discuss our dislike of spraypainted antlers.

  12. Definitely not a good idea! ... Actually, it's a little scary!!!

  13. Not a fan either, but your post cracked me up!

  14. Oh my those are strange! Not for me either.

  15. I better watch what I say here , as I'm sure it wont be long till someone posts these on a forum I'm on and says " arent they looooooooooovely" ? and oh baby what a bargain they were too"...
    The rules of the forum says I have to be nice and polite so I'll click out of that post asap lol..
    my personal opinion is- they are revolting and I wouldnt have them in my home at any price- but thats just me..
    This proves that just cause somethings painted white it doesnt mean its gonna look good on the wall:)

    thanks for the smile

  16. Oh my Oh my unbelievable! Somebody should tell her that there is a limit even to painting everything white so it looks pretty. No matter what color an antler is an antler. UGLY!

  17. I'm with you. The decorator antler wall hangings are NOT my thing. I really loved the room with the exception of those things hanging on the wall.

  18. I thought the exact same thing when I saw these. I perused the catalog online and thought ... what the heck is this? Nope, I don't like them at all.

  19. I def. don't think it's attractive, especially that MANY of them, but she didn't just dream this up. Her "unique eye" was def. perusing several Etsy sellers who've been doing this whole anter thing for about a year.

  20. Blechhhh! I agree w/ you. This antler thing is really jumping the shark, isn't it? Oh, Ballard, not you too!

  21. Just goes to show that trendy is not always right. I agree this look is just plain tacky

  22. ICK!! I totally agree. I mean those are dead animal skulls (plaster reproductions-whatev) but still. Who would want to look at that every day? And a set of FIVE, come on Ballard!

  23. I use to say that a lot of designs are bad, but instead, I understand that a design was not crreated for me, but for that particular home and a home should be decorated for the people that live in the home. My taste, might not be your taste and vice versa, but I can appreciate it, just the same. AND since you photo was taken from Ballard Designs. I'm sure it was only for dispay for the website or catalog.

  24. I have to admit I have come to like some antlers in decorating...not too much but some. In fact I just posted about it today. Having said that, I don't care for white spray painted antlers at all. For anyone who does like this look though, you can buy these exact same spray painted faux antlers on Ebay for about $50-60. You can also get them which are not painted and have a more realistic finish with a dark wood mount. To each his own I suppose.

  25. I am sooo with you on this one...

  26. totally agree! i glad someone was braveenough to stand up and say, "those are UGLY!!!" YOU GO GIRL!

  27. Hey, Kate.

    I am so on board with you, I don't get it... that collection is seriously unattractive and ugly. In point of fact, my main thought after viewing was what was the designers for Ballards MALFUNCTION?

  28. I try to be open minded, but when it comes to dead animals in my house, I just can't seem to find the upside. There's nothing homey about a mounted carcass, in my opinion.

  29. paint them in wooden colors and they would look good, they are not so bad, only the color makes them a bit out of order, the corner has been done nicely enough

  30. Ugh is all I can say! Perhaps they would make nice coat hooks so they would be covered up? LOL

  31. Totally disagree..this is a very European thing, has been done for centuries and I think its quite beautiful personally.

  32. I agree with anonymous :) Everyone has certainly been doing these for centuries in Europe and in the good old USA. A whole wall of these (real and un-sprayed) were featured on the last episode of Million Dollar Designers on Bravo. I think that it is beautiful to have something natural or 'wild' in your decor....feathers, antlers, bird nest, whatever! My husband and I are hunters and we have some tasteful mounts that I incorporated in to our decor. That being said, I know that this is not for everyone, and turn the page :)

  33. I dont have anything to say actually, im totally stunned in your place.

  34. I also think to each his own. I have recently redecorated my husband's study. He specifically stressed that he wanted it to reflect who he is. He has particiated in everything from choosing the dark chocolate wall color to the natural color linen tufted sofa, and the gorgeous brown zebra print rug on the floor. I cannot express enough how wonderful the room has turned out. It is very Earnest Hemingway, and expresses so much who my husband is. Trust me, he is not "tacky". He saw these white antlers in a magazine I have and commented that he thinks they might look well above the sofa in his study. After much thought and after looking around for other choices, I decided to give them a try and ordered them. If I don't feel they are right, I will return them. They are popping up everywhere these days...on design shows, magazines, etc. Not every style is for everybody, but it doesn't make it wrong!


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