Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: For Sale and Garage Sales

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For Sale and Garage Sales

Hello there!  Hope you had a great weekend.  Not sure how it is already Monday again but it is... and schooooools out. for. Summer!!   I actually got to sleep in until 7:50 this morning (thank you boys for sleeping in!)!  Woo Hoo!!  I am easily excited by extra sleep, no matter how little extra it is. 

Anywho... Are you having a garage sale this summer?  I am.  UGH... I mean, Yes!!

I have a love/hate relationship with garage sales.  I like to go to other people's sales.  I love to earn some extra cash for junk nice stuff lying around and cluttering up my house. But I hate the preparation. 

My house has been torn upside down digging out stuff for the sale. We are purging, big time.  We just have too much stuff. 

I am a recovering pack-rat, not the awful kind of pack-rat you see on TV.  Just the kind that thinks "hey, this is a perfectly good lamp, I may have to use it in homestaging for my business, I can't donate it/garage sale it/throw it out!  I'll just let it sit here in my basement and collect dust for the next who-knows-how-long 'til it goes out of style." 

I'm reading a great book to help with my recovery as I still have some pack-ratting tendencies. I will share with you in another post fellow pack-ratters. 

In an effort to purge my stuff that is too nice to garage sale (and be offered .10 cents for a $50 item that I was only asking a measly dollar for anyway) I've decided to open a discount shop here on my blog. 

This will be an on-going shop as most of the new items were for clients and ended up being dropped out of the design for one reason or another.  Since I'm purging right now, there will also be several quality gently used items until I am purged out! 

My shop will  feature budget friendly decor and housewares for sale. They will be listed on a page on my blog at all times so you can access it any time.  A link will be added at the top of the left middle column. 

Here's a sneak picture of new DKNY bedding I am selling... click HERE to shop!!


  1. I L-O-V-E your discount shop!! What a great Idea PLease see email ;)

  2. Great idea, love the DKNY bedding. Good luck with your shop.

  3. Great idea on the discount shop. I LOVE the bedding set!!!!! If only it was a Queen size! My husband and I are coordinating a neighborhood sale in July. We've been walking around to every house. We passed out about 400 flyers! So I totally get your feelings about the preparation part of a sale. Not fun.



I L-O-V-E love your comments! :) I read and try to respond to every one! Thanks for taking your precious time to leave me a comment.

My faves...

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