Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: Flaunt it Friday 70 and UPrinting Giveaway!

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Flaunt it Friday 70 and UPrinting Giveaway!

Hi party animals!! 

Please sign-up for my UPrinting giveaway that ends tonight! (Thurs 9/15 at 11:00pm cst)  50 FREE personalized brochures!  Click the link just above this post.

Also, don't forget that Saturday is my first ever "Flaunt Your Fall" link party, be there or be square!  Does anyone say that anymore? It was retro even when I was a kid. :)  

Party time!!!


  1. hi Kate, so nice to be joining today! Thank you for hostessing :) Had to smile about the be there or be square vernacular :) Timeless!

  2. Flaunt it, Sister! I love this par-taay!
    Thank you for hosting!
    Kerry at

  3. Thank-you for hosting Kate! This is my first time here and I'm your latest follower!

  4. I can't see your followers to follow along! Eeeekk!

  5. Thanks for hosting again this week. Looking forward to some more great Fall inspiration!

  6. Thank you for hosting, I just found you and I am a new follower and a new linker (Is that a word?) I am off to visit other party goers


  7. Thanks for hosting the party! I will be back for Saturday's party too! :) Great projects linked up here!

  8. looks like lots of yummie recipes..thanks for hosting!

  9. Thanks for hosting! I'm a new follower and will be linking up every week!

  10. Hi Kate, thanks for hosting! We've been doing lots of odd jobs lately but making progress on this house!


I L-O-V-E love your comments! :) I read and try to respond to every one! Thanks for taking your precious time to leave me a comment.

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