Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: My New Writing Gig

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My New Writing Gig

Hey guys!  How's it going?  It's snowing here.  Again.  In March.  And we didn't get a snow day.  Again.  Lame.

Anywho... on to my new writing gig.  I'm absolutely thrilled to announce that I am now the Decorating Expert at  Yes, Decorating Expert.  Expert sounds pretty fancy, huh? ;)  I will be writing several articles per month at that I am super excited to share with you!

Answers is the world's largest Q&A destination with over 23.5 million views this month.  You can learn more about it here.

You can see my profile page here:  Answers Decorating Expert

The writing style for answers is a little more professional than what you see around here.  Apparently, they are not interested in my corny jokes or sarcasm.  Their loss.  But, I'm finding my writing "voice" and my witty charm will surely be shining through into my Answers articles soon.  (You guys do think I'm charmingly witty, right?  ;)

With this new writing gig I can cover all things decorating and DIY.  I'd love to hear what you'd like me to write about so feel free to leave me some suggestions in the comments.

Here are my stories so far...

How to Paint a Room
Kitchen Countertop Options
Spring Decorating Ideas
Small Space Design Tips
How to Choose a Color Scheme
Home Staging Tips

I'll soon be adding a button linking to my Answers articles in my sidebar so you can keep up with me if you'd like.  I also plan on blogging at my regular pace which recently has slowed way down.  I plan on getting back up to speed soon.

Don't forget to leave me some article suggestions in the comments!

PS:  I'll be doing a fun giveaway later this week!


  1. congratulations! how to decorate a bookcase wall. how to decorate small space multi-use rooms.... decor for open concept living (i.e. rooms that flow together with minimal walls separating them). decorating ideas for small master bedrooms.

    do you get the idea we might live in a smallish home? :) 5 people, 1 large dog (3 are teenagers)... in a 1450 sq foot, 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath bungalow with no basement or attic. i wouldn't trade it for the world!

    once again congratulations and good luck!!

  2. Congratulations! That is sweet news and I know you are going to be wonderful.

  3. Congratulations on your new writing assignment! As a decorator, the most common questions I received were how to choose colour (shades, hues, complimentary), furniture placement and window coverings. They are complicated areas that can be made simpler by knowing a few rules. I'm sure you'll be a big help to people with your articles.

  4. Wow lucky duck! Congratulations! and have fun!

  5. That is awesome news! I just used your link to look at your article too. Looks great!


    Jennifer @ Decorated Chaos

  6. Congratulations, Kate! That's exciting. I'll be sure to check it out. Sharon

  7. Congrats! What an awesome gig!



I L-O-V-E love your comments! :) I read and try to respond to every one! Thanks for taking your precious time to leave me a comment.

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