Here's what you need to know...
- I'd like it to be a new, original post. Meaning you wrote it and it's never been posted on your blog before. (I don't care if you post it on your blog after about 2 weeks.)
- It needs to be something that my readers would enjoy, decorating, DIY, before and after, money saving tips, even a recipe is fine. Please, just not about something you are trying to sell.
- Make sure you introduce yourself and link back to your blog so people will be able to come and check it out. Please don't link to an Etsy shop or an affiliate.
If you'd like to guest post please email me your entire post with original pictures included in HTML format. (in the blogger post writing screen at the top left there are 2 buttons "compose" and "html". Click "html", then copy your entire post in html format, then paste it into an email.)
Please put "Guest Post" in your email title so it will be easy for me to find. Send it to kateluvs2decorate {at} g mail {dot} com asap. Guest posting will end on 2/22/14.
Did you want a post that I've done in the past, or the post I'd do for your blog? Thanks