Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: Fluant it Friday #208

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Fluant it Friday #208

Well, thanks to the holiday and no school on Monday I have been confused all week long as to what day it was. So, here I am posting Flaunt it Friday on Friday night. But hey, technically I am not late because it is still Friday. But those of you who party with me often know that I normally post it late Thursday, sorry for the delay. It was our last week of school and I am ready for summer break just as much as my kids! My brain is already on summer vacation apparently. ;) Let's party!!

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  1. Thank you Kate for Flaunt It Friday, love joining in. Have a great weekend.

  2. Thanks for hosting, it's okay I thought last Saturday was Sunday.LoL

  3. Thanks for hosting, Kate and have a lovely weekend!


  4. Hi Kate, LOL! Like they say, better late than never :) Thanks for hosting.
    Marie@The Interior Frugalista


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