Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: Flaunt it Friday #240!

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Flaunt it Friday #240!

Hello there, how's it goin'? Whaddaya think of my new blog design? I am still working out a few kinks, moving some stuff around and need to add a few things (like my Pinterest, Facebook, email, Instagram, Twitter, etc., follow buttons) but so far I really like it. Hopefully by next week I'll have it all finished.

Are you ready to party??

 Me too.
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  1. Hi Kate, thank your for Flaunt It Friday no. 240. Your black and white blog design is stunning. Have a wonderful week.

  2. Hi Kate,

    Thanks for Hosting! Love the new blog look!

    @Seeking Lavender Lane

  3. Thank you for hosting the party this week Kate! Liz

  4. Your blog design looks great! Thanks for hosting!

  5. It's a great time of year to get some new project ideas. Thanks for hosting the link-up!

  6. Love seeing all the new ideas…Thanks for hosting!


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