Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: Flaunt it Friday #292

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Flaunt it Friday #292

Hello, friends! Happy Friday!

Who else is ready for spring?? My whole family was down with a nasty cold this week and had to miss a fun trip we had planned over the long President's Day weekend. This was my final straw for winter with me... I'm D.O.N.E. I'm planning to bust out my Spring decor next week. A bit early since it's only February but I don't care. Are you ready for Spring too?
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  1. Thank you Kate for Flaunt It Friday 292. Always appreciate the work you do to host your party. Have a great week.

  2. Thank you so much for hosting, I always love checking out everyone's projects! :D

  3. Hey Kate, thanks for the party! So sorry to hear you all were sick, and to have to miss a planned trip, that really stinks! Hope you're feeling better. Liz

  4. Hi Kate! Happy Friday! Thanks for hosting this fun link party! Enjoy the weekend!

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