Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: My not-so-simple Christmas Decor Tour, Part 1

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My not-so-simple Christmas Decor Tour, Part 1

Wow!  Christmas is in just a few days!  Thought I would share a tour of some of my decorations before the big day. 

But before I share my "Christmas Extravaganza" I have to ask... does it seem like a common Christmas decorating theme this year in blogland is "simple".  I've seen lots of people doing some "minimalist" and "simple" decorating and loving it. 

Well peeps, I missed the boat on that one.  I've been decorating my rear off since the week of Thanksgiving!

But I'm not complaining, I actually have loved every minute of it... (except for those blasted dead Christmas lights!)

My secret suspicion is that all those minimalists are just being lazy decorators!?  After all, who wants to drag 20 rubbermaid bins covered in dust out of the basement only to find smashed garland with dead Christmas lights inside?  It's much easier to just pull out one or 2 and say "I'm loving the simple look this year, it's just lovely."  Right?!  Totally easy!!!

Ok, ok... I'm totally kidding about being lazy, I've seen some just beautiful "simple" Christmas decor.  I just love decorating so much that I can't stop myself! 

I should mention that I haven't been out buying stuff, I've pretty much used things I already had or got super-duper cheap last year at an after Christmas sale.  So, at least I'm not going out blowing lots of money on new decorations for my not-so-simple Christmas decor. (I should get bonus points for that for sure!)

Anywho, I'd love to share my not-so-simple decor.  It is only not-so-simple because it required lots of rubbermaid bins to be drug up from the basement, not because I did anything really complicated.

Here's a little tour of my kitchen and family room.  These rooms are open to each other and have a red, white, and a little bit of silver and peppermint candy theme going on.

The kitchen eating area...
christmas decor

Don't mind the dorky under the cabinet generic Ipod music player/radio... and no I didn't make the sign but how easy would it be to make?!  Probably not as easy as me buying it for $3 after Christmas last year.
christmas decor

Kitchen chandelier...

christmas decor

Island centerpiece... Mercury glass tree under cloche.
christmas decor

Top of my antique secretary (I used to do an all silver theme...) 
christmas decor

Little winter bird cloche...
christmas decor

The kids tree (has been man-handled and crashed into several times by my boys, it's looking a little sloppy but they love it and I don't have to say "don't touch it!" because my fancy tree with the breakables is in the living room) :)

christmas tree decor

There are some breakables on the kids tree but they are up high...
christmas decor santa

The mantel... 
christmas decor mantel

My "artistic" mantel shot... 
christmas mantel decor

 Mantel reindeer who weighs about 20 lbs even though he's less than a foot tall.
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 Sleigh and mini tree at fireplace surround... would you believe my toddler hasn't bothered this at all and it's right near where he plays all the time!
christmas decor

 Kitchen Vignette...
christmas decor

Always love apothecary jars... 
christmas decor

Kitchen table cloche centerpiece...
christmas decor

I hope you've enjoyed the first half of my not-so-simple Christmas decor tour part 1.  I'm sure you minimalists will be laughing all the way at take down time. ;)    I will soon be listing Part 2, which includes Silver and Gold and the "fancy" tree (named by my older boy) :) 

Don't forget to come back late tonight for Flaunt it Friday!


  1. Wow, what a great tour. I love it all.

    Thank for sharing.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Just gorgeous! To Hades with "minimalist"! I dig your over-the-moon approach. Way funner for the kiddoes too :)

  3. Beautiful Decor. Love every bit of it. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Ginger


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