Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: Flaunt it Friday #43!

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Flaunt it Friday #43!

Hi friends! How many of you wish you were at Blissdom??  I would have loved to go but it was not in my shoestring budget... maybe next year. (some of you are saying blissdom-who? it's a big blogger convention in Nashville that all the cool kids (and some wannabes (that would be me if I went!) go to).  But, since I'm at home I might as well make the best of it and throw a fun party, right?!  YES!! 

Don't forget to enter my blogoversary giveaway from Reedmor Jewelry here...winner drawn Saturday!

My little rules...
  • Post about anything, decor, crafts, recipes, I'm not picky! :)
  • Please remember to link back to my blog so more people can join in on the fun. The party button is on the left column.
  • Please follow me if you don't do so already so I know you'll come back next week! And maybe like me on Facebook while you're at it... pretty please. :)


  1. Hi Kate!
    I am home, no Blissdom for me--wasn't really interested.
    I'd heard about it at Relevant, and decided that Relevant was the place for me.
    I'll be at Relevant again, though, this year, I think.
    Thank you for the party!!
    I pray you are well!

  2. Thanks for hosting. I really wish I were going to Blissdom, too. :-(

  3. Thanks for the awesome link party Kate! :O)

    ~ Billie Monster ~

  4. Hey Kate. I'll party with you. I would've loved to have gone to blissdom also. Maybe next year :)

  5. Thanks for doing this party! I sure do wish I was ay blissdom...

  6. Hi - I just posted #133 a chair makeover. Thanks for hosting - love your site!

  7. thanks for hosting link party - like your blog!!


I L-O-V-E love your comments! :) I read and try to respond to every one! Thanks for taking your precious time to leave me a comment.

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