Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: Last Day to enter my Giveaway! And, a shout-out to sick moms everywhere.

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Last Day to enter my Giveaway! And, a shout-out to sick moms everywhere.

Hi, friends.  I had a fun Valentine's day decor post planned for you today but woke up with a sore throat and a bad earache.  Boooooo...Hisssssss 

photo by harrisdy

 I really don't have time for being sick... it is really cramping my style.  It ruined all my plans for a fun weekend.  Today I had lunch plans with a girlfriend I haven't seen in months, had to cancel.  I was then going to go decoration shopping (fun!) for some clients, couldn't go.  There will be no date night tonight, sorry hubs...  and no church in the morning, sorry Jesus.

And then, if I'm not feeling any better tomorrow there will be a very annoying trip to a surely very crowded doc in the box (since it's Sunday my doc's office is closed) where I'll probably pick up some more germs from a waiting room full of sickos.  Yuck.

If I'm lucky I won't pass this to the Deuce (child 2) or the hubs, (I think I caught it from the Ace (child 1) so hopefully he is safe from the germ monster, aka; me). 

Unfortunately, I'm sick on the weekend so it ruined my weekend and my hubs too (sorry honey).  But fortunately, I am sick on the weekend so hubs has been home to help take care of the boys.  Because, as all you other moms know, moms do NOT have time to get sick, ever.  And if you are a sick mom, you have to suck it up and get your job done anyway... 24/7.  It was nice to have the hubs here to help and I actually got to take a nap.  (Thanks honey!)

So, I'm not trying to have a pity party for myself.  Just wanted to give a shout-out to sick moms everywhere with ruined plans and runny noses.

You do your job 24/7 even while feeling like (and probably looking like ;) total poo.  You know what, that makes you awesome.  You probably don't hear that enough, your little kids aren't telling you that, heck, they might not even realize you're sick.

It is darned hard work to take care of your kids when you are sick but you do it anyway.  It may not always be pretty or perfect but you get the job done.  So give yourself a pat on the back, someday your kids will thank you (maybe not until they have their own kids) for all of your hard work. It's not easy, but it's so worth it. :)

PS:  Don't forget tomorrow is the drawing for my Reedmor Jewelry necklace giveaway.  Sign up here now!


  1. We've been passing around the flu here...caught up with me yesterday! Hope you get better soon!!!

  2. Aww being sick is the worst! Hope you feel better soon! I will be praying for a quick recovery! :0)

  3. I hope you feel better. Keep up the hard mommy work despite your malady. Someday, in retrospect, you will be appreciated. We all will (I hope). I have sicky infant today, it's almost as bad as sick mommy, but not quite.

  4. Flu here too! Me 6th day and my daughter 4th day.Get well soon!

  5. Hope you're feeling better soon - so right about no time to be sick when you're a mummy!
    If you do get a moment though pop over and enter my giveaway to win a $30 voucher to Shop @ SpaNGle...

    The Quick Unpick Giveaway

    ...hope you come by (and hope that you're feeling so much better already!)

    The Spangler @
    The Quick Unpick

  6. What a great post! I have been feeling sick too. It feels good to know that I'm not the only sick mommy out there! :)There is no room to be sick when your mom. I think the best present for a sick mom would be to be left alone and not have to go around meeting other peoples needs. It's always nice to dream :)

  7. Loquat is for cough and lung in Chinese medicine. Sometimes i would take the Ninjiom Pei Pa Koa which is an extract of loquat when got sore throat.

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