Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: St. Patrick's Day Decor, a Vignette

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St. Patrick's Day Decor, a Vignette

This year I put out one small St. Patrick's Day decoration and a shamrock on my front door.  I feel bad kind of skipping over it but I've already started busting out my Easter decor... I can't help myself!

Since I'm lacking a bit this year as far as St. Patrick's Day decor goes, I'm going to share my vignette from last year, hope you don't mind. :)  Here it goes...

Top O' da mornin' to ya!

Sorry for the lame attempt at Irish jargon. I have a little bit of Irish decor going on that isn't quite as cheesy (hopefully).

Since I have a lot of Irish in me, I'm ashamed to say that in the past I really haven't decorated much for St. Patty's Day. It always gets lost in the shuffle of Easter and Spring decor. It also has something to do with the fact that I'm not really into decorating with rainbows, pot's o' gold, and troll-looking leprechauns.

This year I decided to pay tribute to my Irish heritage with a little St. Patrick's Day vignette (as long as it didn't cost me anything).  I did one simple vignette on my kitchen console table and pulled it off without buying a thing.

First, I printed out some free subway art that Today's Fabulous Finds so generously gives away on her blog. I had picked a much fancier one than this with a cute damask background but my printer was not cooperating. Instead of printing picture quality it looked like I had photo copied it... not pretty.  So, I settled for the black ink on white paper and then glued it to an old piece of scrapbook paper I had lying around and stuck it in a frame.

WA-LA!! Free St. Patty's day decoration.

This little shamrock was the only thing I had that was an "official" St. Patrick's Day decoration. Not too cheesy or rainbow-ee. :)

I decided to "Go Green" (and not in the environmentally friendly way) with the rest of my decor. I busted out my green wreath....

Green candles....

Green apples in an apothecary jar...

And accented everything in black for the finished look below...

"May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you
In the palm of his hand."

~Irish Blessing 

PS:  Sign up for this week's giveaway, $50 credit to custom hand-stamped jewelry maker Lia Franchesca Designs.  Sign up HERE!
Tag necklace

Linking: Under the Table & Dreaming


  1. I think you make a fantastic vignette. How clever are you. So pretty and I love the apples, candles and the frame is fabulous. Great job. Hugs, marty

  2. I love the green, particularly the green wreath.


  3. I think it looks great! Love the wreath. I don't typically decorate for St Pattys day either. The only thing I have right now are two cards I got for free!

    Visiting from Under the Table & Dreaming!


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